If you would like Becky to come and speak to your group, or would like to join her monthly classes, please contact her.
The following are her speaking topics:
The following are her speaking topics:
Cooking BIG, Sugar-Free, On a Dime
Dr Paul St Amand has a very specific diet for those that have blood sugar issues along with their fibro. Come learn how to make that happen while respecting your time and money.
Fibromyalgia in Seniors
Someone that is 70 years old today was already 60 when Lyrica showed up in 2007. This was when the public began to believe fibromyalgia could be real. The condition causes people to feel much older than they are. We will talk about why it matters, how to distinguish the difference and what you can do about it.
Recognizing Fibromyalgia in Your Family
Fibromyalgia runs in families. What can and should be done about it? Learn the telling signs.
The 3 Game Changers in Fibromyalgia
Melissa Congdon, MD came to Colorado Springs July 2016. She spoke to healthcare providers in addition to the public. She shared with us many things including “The 3 game changers of treating fibromyalgia.” We will dig deeper into how to make this personal for you.